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October 30, 2013

Meet Classy Fit Gal - Isha

SW: 258   |  CW: 206  | GW: 199

The picture on the left was taken in 2005.

One day I was randomly walking through Best Buy with my mom and a lady asked me if I was a model. I said no, but she convinced me to do one photo shoot. Being the young, optimistic girl I was, I went for it, and later decided to use the pictures as my senior pictures as I prepared to graduate from high school.

Fast forward a few years, I graduated from college in 2008 and moved to Columbia, SC to attain my PhD in Clinical-Community Psychology from the University of South Carolina.

Determined as ever, I laid out my 5 year plan wherein I would start school and fall in love, then get my Master’s Degree and get engaged, then start my dissertation and get married, then go on internship and have a baby.

"Life would be perfect. 
My love would be perfect. 
My family would be perfect."

Then I lost both of my remaining grandparents in a short period of time and I felt my foundation begin to crumble.  

The man I thought was the love of my life 
turned out to be the exact opposite. 

So I painfully decided to end it, and on January 4th 2012, I cut all my hair off and attempted to start over.  I thought I reached my lowest low and was determined to use my own resolve to build myself back up - but God wasn’t through with me yet.

A previously unknown development from the relationship I had just ended led to me having to make another life-changing decision just three months later when I got an abortion on March 8th 2012. This day was truly my darkest moment. My school work began to deteriorate and I began going through life consumed with guilt, hate, self-pity, and regret. I attempted to carry on with life as usual, continuing to spend time with my friends and family, to congratulate others as they reached personal goals I previously set for myself, and to present myself as a happy, healthy woman.

Instead, I constantly ate my feelings, stopped being active, cried many nights, and was wandering hopelessly from one day to the next with no goals or real relief in sight. Looking back now, I thought I was putting up the perfect facade, but my sadness was showing all over my face and my body.

The two pictures on the top row were taken sometime in 2012. I put on my old clothes from 2005 and was shocked at what had become of the young girl who believed in miracles, magic, God, and- most of all- the power of love. Here, you see a woman who hadn’t been hopeful, fulfilled, or passionate about anything for nearly a year.

Then one day in the spring of 2013, I reopened my Bible. 

I realized that I hadn’t prayed, really prayed, in a long time. I said a prayer that my grandmother taught me, and I gave my life over to Jesus. I let go of the pain in my heart, and replaced it with the love of my God. I let go of guilt from decisions I’d made in my past, and replaced it with hope for my future. I let go of hatred toward those who I felt had wronged me, and replaced it with love for myself.

I began to pray, to exercise, to eat right, to fast, to rely on my friends and family, to go after my passions in school, and to get the most out of every day. I’ve had setbacks, made mistakes when I’ve relied on myself and not consulted with God, and I still have moments of weakness. But I’ve grown and I’ve learned so much about myself in the process.

Then one morning, on Thursday, September 19th 2013, I woke up and did my usual hour of fasted cardio on the stair master. I said my prayers, reflected on how far I’ve come, and finished my 60 minutes with tears in my eyes and joy in my heart. I returned to my room and put on the same outfit, yet again, and was surprised as the pants slipped effortlessly over my hips. The vest that I couldn’t pull down over my stomach last year was loose.

At my heaviest, I was 258 pounds. I am now 206. My goal was to get to my high school weight of 199, but now that I'm so close and going so strong, I am confident that I will surpass it in no time! I honestly have no idea what my goal should be, because I don't remember weighing any less. I'm just thankful for how far I've come.

I am able to look at myself in the mirror and thank God for saving my life. My future IS big, it IS bright, and it’s going to be more wonderful than I could have ever planned or imagined. I’m more passionate about my research and my clinical work than I’ve ever been. I have focus and direction. I’m working harder than ever and it feels like heaven.

The woman you see in the pictures on the bottom row is hopeful about her future. She has attained her Master's Degree and is one step away from getting her PhD in Clinical-Community Psychology. She’s happy. And she’s so thankful to God. She is excited to share her testimony with others in hopes of inspiring them to get healthy and fit, to begin loving themselves completely, and to connect with God!

She is me.
I am thankful that a few people have been motivated to change because of my story. I LOVE learning about myself and falling in love with myself more and more every day. I’m discovering that I’m STRONG. I’m filled with optimism. And I’m still a hopeless romantic who loves musicals. I’m so thankful that God preserved the child in me and that my heart is still pure. Everything that I thought was taken from me has been returned ten times over. I’m looking forward to a new journey, a new beginning, new goals, more progress, unimagined success, and a new opportunity to give Glory to God through my testimony. As I stood before myself in the mirror, I saw Jeremiah 29:11 staring back at me: a reminder that I wrote to myself last year and never erased from the glass. 

“For I know the plans that I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Connect with Isha via instagram at

October 16, 2013

Fashionably FIT!

I'm a sucker for anything FABULOUS and that includes my work out clothes. Before I got serious, I admit I went to the gym looking rather shabby and guess what - I felt shabby too!

I truly believe that when you feel gorgeous you will not only walk in your AWESOMENESS but you will perform the way you feel.  MY personal performance exceeded when I started to give a crap about how I looked when I work out.

Here are some tips on how to look CLASSY and SASSY during your work outs:


If you follow me on instagram, whether on my personal account (@iamebbyK) or Classy Fit Gals (@classyfitgals) account you notice that I love color. I don't care if the color is on my hips or my lips - I'm a lover of color.

Well, I found some gorgeous work out clothes in both TJ Maxx and Target! Those are my two go-to stores for work out gear. I highly advise checking out both stores for your work out clothes. The brighter you are, the better you will work out - I am totally convinced!

Note: If you sign up for the Target Debit/Credit card you get 5% off your purchase. Also, download the Target Cartwheel app on your smart phone - they have coupons galore for things you would not imagine. You never know what work out essentials you will find in the app!

Top: Champion from Target
Pants: GAP Leggings
Socks: Target
Sneakers: Nike Airmax

Top & Pants: TJ Maxx

Top: Champion

Jacket: Champion found at Target
Leggings: TJ Maxx
Socks: Target
Sneakers: Asics Gel Noosa 8


Side Note: It bothers me when I see women working out and their boobs are popping out left to right OR if the boobs are spilling over the bra - no no no!!!

Before I became serious about my health and wellness, I invested some bucks in a good sports bra that I purchased from designer lingerie store. Let's just say, this year when I really got serious about working out and I started to loose weight, my boob cup size shrunk and I killed that poor bra.

When I went to Dallas I went to Ladies Footlocker and purchased four sports bras. One is by Under Armour and the other three are the Maia bras by Moving Comfort. Let me be the first to brag and tell you this - these sports bras are A-MA-ZING!

What I love about the Moving Comfort bras are the adjustable straps - I did purchase three and they were worth every penny. I am a true believer that there are just some things in life you can't be frugal with and my bras are definitely one of them.

I LOVE all four of my new bras because they "hold me down" and they look and feel great -  and guess what - they are all HIGH COMPRESSION/ HIGH IMPACT bras. The girls are holding together rather nicely!

My boobs still have cup size to them (smiling) BUT these bras really hold me together and I do not have to worry about them slapping me in your face in the middle of your work out! The less distractions the better the work out!


Now if you've been following me, you know that I have a love for "fashion" and beautiful things. It doesn't matter what is is! Never in a million years did I think I would have a closet full of sneakers. I have an undying unconditional love for colorful, fashion forward sneakers. I could care less (back then) what the exact function of the sneaker was, I only cared about how it looked with my workout clothes (vanity at it's best - I admit it). WELL little did I know that wearing the proper sneakers for the various exercises I was doing would not only help my joints but also help my performance!

Here are some of my favorite sneakers!

Asics Gel Noosa 8
Now only are these sneakers FUN and FASHIONABLE but they are great for running (as long as you are properly fitted for them). I can run in them (MUST wear my compression gear) but I love them for cross training, zumba, etc. Throw on some fun work out pants with these and your Classy Fit Gal shirt and you are looking FAB as ever while working out!

All runners LOVE Brooks! When I purchased my first pair of Brooks I was NOT into working out let alone running. My boyfriend (now husband) convinced me to get a pair and I did. Guess where they were for years - in the pile of shoes in my closet. I dug up these babies today and said OMG I have a pair of Brooks.

Fast forward, now that I love running (you have to mentally tell yourself you LOVE something in order for you to even "like it) Brooks will be my "go to" for running - especially in races. I'm not a "blue" gal so I will be getting fitted for a pink pair in the VERY NEAR future (sssh don't tell my husband)

New Balance
These are new to my work out gear. I actually was fitted for these sneakers a week ago and I like them. They've been in the back of my trunk because my Asics have been "the sneaker" of choice for me BUT it's time for me to break them in. They feel really good and light when I did the test run during my fitting and I felt like I could run a half marathon in them!

Nike AirMax
When my husband got me these sneakers, he knew I needed some running shoes BUT they didn't quite work for me so now I wear them as a regular work out shoe when heading to the gym. They are comfy and may be a good running sneaker BUT I would suggest getting fitted for them to determine if this is the right fit for you. The sneakers make a bright fashion statement when working out - I love them!


Headphones - Beats by Dre
I truly feel that the right accessories will set off your fitness gear. Now I knew I always wanted a bear of BEATS but I was willing to hold off on them BUT when I saw these babies, I had to have them.  Talking about keeping you focused during your work out and the sound is phenomenal. You have to be careful though because you can surely miss something if you have them on too loud. I honestly can't hear a thing around me when I am wearing them. Not sure how safe that is during my early morning/late night runs. I would say, make sure the volume is loud enough for you to be focused but low enough so that you can be aware.

Arm Band
I found this flashy and fun armband in TJ Maxx. Again, you know how I feel about TJMaxx - my fav store by far where you can find designer on a dime.  This arm band is comfy and serves it's purpose. My first time using it was during my first 5K and it worked perfectly. Here is a cute one at Target.

How can you not love a flashy pair of socks???? I purchase the majority of my socks from Target. The flashier the better for me! Find some funky socks here.

Polar Watch
I know you've seen on instagram all of these women wearing these pink watches that tells them how many calories they have burned. Well guess what - it's the Polar FT4 watch. Now, I am not sure why other women chose this particular model BUT I will be honest to tell you that I picked this particular model because it was the only model that came in the color PINK! Terrible, I know BUT it also tells me how many calories I've burned during a session so I got double goodness duty on this one.  I purchased mine from Amazon, find it here.

Truly fashion and fitness go hand in hand and working out should NOT be an excuse to look amazing. True story, the ladies in the gym always comment on how fab I look when I work out - all I do is blush and say thank you! You never know who you can inspire just by looking bright, bold, classy and sassy!

I hope that this post has inspired you to look Classy, Sassy and FIERCE while you're working out.

Trust me, you will feel better about yourself and I am 100% sure you will be more motivated to have amazing work outs!

October 15, 2013

Meet Classy Fit Gal ~ Melissa

SW: 243.6 |  CW: 198 |  GW: 170
"How does one overcome a lifelong weight battle?"

So many women want the magic pill to that answer. We want the quick fix to bad habits that we have spent a lifetime building and reinforcing…over…and over! 

Food has always been my source for everything…you name the emotion…food went with it.  Over 10 years ago, I was introduced to a weight loss program that taught me how to only eat when I was hungry, stop when I was full, and determine what areas in my life I was running to food instead of running to God when it came to my problems.  

I lost close to 30 lbs and of course gained it all back like all of the other times.  But the concepts I learned never left me and that is when God and I began to have ongoing conversations throughout the years regarding my weight and why was I running to food instead of running to Him? 

"It would be years later that I finally reached
my breaking point."
Don’t get me wrong, throughout all of the years that followed I lost weight…plenty of it…I would lose 10 lbs…gain it back…15 lbs…gain it back…EVEN 20 lbs and GAIN…IT…BACK!!! Ugh- somebody shoot me!  

I got so sick and tired of seeing the same goals on different sheets of paper, and in my journals, over and over again that went back years!!! I couldn’t take it anymore.  I knew there was a call and vision for my life that would not allow me to just be a goal setter.  I needed to be a goal achiever in order to inspire other women. 

So one day I decided, I wasn’t going to give up, not matter how long it took, no matter if I messed up or not, I WAS NOT GOING TO GIVE UP!!!! I lost the "I need to get it all off in 30 days" attitude and in August 2012 after already maintaining a 15 lb loss for some months, I went for the, “How do I change my lifestyle?” and "How do I learn how to eat in a way that is sustainable?” Not a quick a fix, not a fad, but a long-term solution that would stick with me forever! 

So here’s what I did and here’s what I do in hopes to help guide you on your journey.

I surround myself around people that live the lifestyle that I want and I learn from them.  By watching them they taught me skills to eliminate excuses. By watching and learning from them, they have taught me the skills needed to elimiate excuses. 

  1. Take my lunch to work
  2. Plan my meals for the entire week
  3. Prep my work  AND work out clothes for the week
  4. Pack my work out clothes the night before AND put them in the car
  5. Plan a workout schedule for the week - this eliminates guess work
I always have a fitness goal ahead of me! Whether its learning how to swim to do a sprint triathlon, training for a half marathon, or doing any other type of race throughout the year.

I have a wellness coach.  Not everyone needs one but I did.  After I lost about 20 – 25lbs, I wanted the accountability and needed some more help on the nutrition side 

I cut out fast foods and even for a while could not eat at restaurants until I had enough self-control to order healthy items off the menu like a salad or a protein and veggie instead of my normal burgers, fries, and soda 

I gave away my scales and came up with a weigh-in system that worked for me.  After playing this game for years, it was no longer about the number, I was determined not to get discouraged if I didn’t have a loss, if I went up by 1lb or only down by 1lb.  I wanted and needed a lifestyle change not an emotionally-filled weight loss game with the scale.  

I often times workout with others  and have accountability partners that know my goals and we can call/text others all the time. 

I watched documentaries like forks over knives and fat, sick, and nearly dead to learn how to “eat clean”.  

So as I write this over 40+ pounds lighter than when I first started this journey, I can honestly say that I have learned lifelong skills that will be with me forever.  

I am at the smallest I have been in over 10+ years and it’s the longest I have kept any amount of substantial weight off.  I am still on my journey, still excited, still encouraged, and look forward to seeing your post about being in the gym or on the pavement on Classy Fit Gals.  

Believe God for the impossible! 

The very issues, thoughts, and emotions that cause you to eat or overeat…God is ever so patiently waiting on you to share with Him so that He can fill those voids the same way he filled mine.  

Stay connected with me on Facebook and Twitter - I look forward to walking on this journey with you! 

October 13, 2013

Finding Happiness in YOUR Recipe

It's quite evident that their is an epidemic going on - I call it the "I'M TAKING MY LIFE BACK" weight loss epidemic. Women across the globe are taking their lives back and loosing weight - isn't it quite obvious!

In that, you probably look at yourself and start to wonder - "What on Earth am I doing?" OR "Why on Earth can't I look like her?"  Then you start digging asking her "Girl, what did you do?" or "Girl how did you loose the weight?!?"

You then look at yourself and you start to compare yourself to her - and that is when it all start to question your progress and begin to wonder if you should even continue to move forward because at this point you are not happy or satisfied with where you are in this present moment. You are ready to just can this whole "weight loss" thing and throw in the towel.

BUT let me be the first to encourage you to...


I will never forget a quote I read on Instagram that said "Someone's beginning may be your middle." Wow - talking about POWERFUL. What may be one woman's beginning may be your first goal of obtaining - you never know!!!!  Just think, I started at 225 pounds - that may be in fact be a goal for a women who started at 300 pounds - to get to the 220s.  For me, my first goal was to get under 200. Now I'm in the 190s, pushing 180s and that in fact may be another woman's starting point in her journey.

Ladies, you NEVER KNOW!

You have no idea the struggles she had to go through just to get to where she is. We have to stop looking at the glass half empty focusing on what we don't have and start looking at the glass half full and finding victory in where we are RIGHT NOW!

Another girlfriend of mine and fellow Classy Fit Gal Kendra wrote in her post on the blog "Just take your journey one day at a time and remember not to compare your hips to hips. We are all beautifully and individually made to be YOU and no one else."


I know - I've been there and at times I find myself asking myself those same questions to this day. Talking to myself in the shower, or even questioning if I'm on the right track or even doing the right thing by starting this movement - Classy Fit Gals.

Let me be the first to tell you that when you are on the verge of your breakthrough, on the verge of dropping those pounds you've been struggling to loose because you are on a plateau, anything will come in your way to abort your victory.

 You can't allow anything to stop your victory - NOT EVEN YOUR SELF!

One thing I had to realize and what I would like for you to realize is this...

"We are all made differently and created differently - God has His own "recipe" for your success."

What works for someone may not work for you. How she lost her weight may not be the same way aka "recipe" I like to call it that will be the truth of your story.

You see, we find ourselves asking women these questions because we aren't confident that we can find our own recipe. I know because not only have I asked those questions BUT they've been asked to me as well and one thing I realize is this - what may work for someone else may NOT work for you.

We all have different things we struggle with - what one woman may struggle with may not be your struggle so that ingredient in her "Recipe for Success" won't be the same ingredient that you will need.

You may have to add a little of this and subtract more of that to see your success BUT all in all - you have to create your own recipe.

I encourage you this week to sit still and find your formula, find your ingredients, find out what those components are and create your recipe. You owe it to yourself.

We are in the final stretch of 2013 and all we can do at this point is WIN!

Remember, what works for one person may not work for you. This not only applies to weight loss but in various aspects of your life.

Let's get focused and accomplish our goals - we are responsible for our own success - WE GOT THIS!

October 9, 2013

Meet Classy Fit Gal - Candice Nicole

SW: 246 | CW: 194 | GW: 160s or 170s (Depending upon how I feel)
For the entire year of 2011 I knew I wanted to lose weight but I kept letting my schedule get in the way. You know the saying "You make time for what is important?" Well, I was not practicing that and I should have because this was my health at stake! I am an Entertainment & Lifestyle Publicist and my schedule is very grueling -  always on for my clients.

For 2011, we spent Thanksgiving in Charlotte. A month before November, my aunt sent out an email about a "Turkey Trot" that was happening Thanksgiving morning (a 5K). At first read I said "She is crazy! No one has time for that!" I just wanted to sleep in to be honest with you but said "Well, it should be fun!".

So, Thanksgiving Day 2011 we had a blast doing that Turkey Trot and the fact that I completed that 5K and had not worked out in forever said a lot! I was proud of myself and FELT GOOD!!

Once I got back to MD, I decided to sign up for Fab Body Factory!

I started my journey Dec 2011 and my life is wonderful! When you feel good, you do good. I also feel like I am making better decisions as well.

Small Changes, Great Impact

One of the first things I realized was being able to wrap a towel around my ENTIRE body and especially those hotel towels - they always seem to give you small ones.

Another change was being able to cross my legs without having to "assist" my leg and having room in the chair on the plane, not having my thighs rub on the arms.

The energy definitely shows, as I am pretty much a "gym rat" and always looking to do 5K's and find new workouts to incorporate into my fitness regimen. In addition, I am finding myself.

My advice to you...

To the women who want to start their journey, it has to come from YOU, from within, YOU have to want to do this.

It doesn't matter if your doctor is telling you to shed 10-20 lbs, if you're not ready to do it for YOURSELF it will not work.

"The worst thing anyone can do is to lose weight for someone else."

You have to say to yourself...

"Okay [insert your name here], I am doing this for ME! I am determined to take my life back"

Your life will be changed and you will see the difference in your decision. Sometimes it's something you do and don't even really share with folks until you get your groove or maybe they will notice your changes.

Know that you will be met with "Well you look fine to me", "Please don't lose too much, you want to keep the curves". What do you say to that? You say, "ARE YOU CARRYING THIS WEIGHT AROUND?" I guarantee they will stop :) Don't let anyone judge you for the decision you made to take back YOURSELF!

To women who are currently on the journey...

Allow your self to motivate you to keep pushing through the struggles because there will be many. I deal with them everyday but I know living my life the way I do now, I am more happy, it's easier to shop, I have more energy and I just want more for myself in general. Also, let your journey be someones inspiration. Allow yourself to motivate someone else as well and ALWAYS remember how far you have come! Why would you turn back now? There is greatness around the corner!

What keeps my motivated is knowing how this will benefit me in the long run and also knowing how much I inspire others. That in itself is motivating because I know everyday I tweet/IG a comment or statement about fitness or share pics from my workouts, it is touching someone. When I receive tweets/emails from women and also men stating I motivate them when they feel like not working out? That makes my day! Another motivation is my family because I know they are proud of me. Whenever you see someone on their journey of weight loss please know that is a person of their WORD! May have taken them some time to get to that moment but once they are there, they are not giving up! That shows how dedicated someone is and I want my cousins to be proud of their older cousin. I decided to take my life back!

My biggest sacrifice in order to see results is Definitely turning down events and events where I know I would being seeing some key folks. I had to tell myself "Candice, if it's meant to me, you will see them again".

Also, my sleep. I started to get up much earlier to workout in the morning. To some folks that is not an issue but I LOVE to get my sleep but now I am used to getting up early and LIKE to "Rise And Sweat" to get the blood flowing, lungs filled with fresh air! As far as foods, I will never deprive myself because that will cause the binge eating and I don't want ANY parts of that in my life! With that being said, I know what 3 slices of pizza or 3 cupcakes will do to me if I eat them all at once. Portion control will always work for you, there is no going around that but I also found that I ENJOY eating healthy! Those foods aren't as bad as what you may think they are.

Connect with me:
Candice Nicole Public Relations
Twitter & Instagram (Personal): @CandiceNicolePR
Fitness handle is @RiseAndSweat for Twitter and Instagram

October 7, 2013

Banana Split - Well Sort Of...

Though I'm not a sweet lover from time to time I get a sweet tooth. I'm more of a salty gal but can use something sweet every now and then.

I wanted a banana split but wasn't willing to kill my calories by indulging in one. So I had to find a creative way on making my banana split without all the extra calories.

See my creation below. 

- 1 cliff bar (I used the White Macadamian Nut) OR protein bar of your choice.
**I really like Quest bars - less sugar**
- 1/2 banana 
- 1 tbsp fat free greek yogurt 
- 1 tbsp coconut flakes 
- 1 tbsp silvered almonds OR nut of your choice 
- 1 tsp cinnamon 
- 1 tsp pumpkin spice (optional)

- Heat protein bar on microwaveable plate for 30 seconds 
- Top with Greek Yogurt 
- Cut up banana add on top of yogurt 
- Add coconut flakes, almonds, cinnamon and pumpkin spice



October 3, 2013

Meet Classy Fit Gal - Shandell

SW: 210   |   CW: 130  |  GW: 130 **off for over a year!

I have never shared my story on paper, nor am I a writer or motivational speaker…so here goes! My name is Shandell T. I am 38 and have struggled all of my adult life with my weight. I am married (16 years now). I have a 40 hour work week like most of us. We have 2 children now 18 and 14. With that being said, I understand how difficult it is to be wife, mother, friend, hair stylist, therapist, chef, Laundromat, stain lifter, doctor…I get it!

 "I simply got tired!"
I got sick and tired of being sick and tired! I know that we have all heard and or said that before but I did!  If I may be candid…which I know no other way, I got tired of not being able to see myself pee. I got tired of getting out of the shower and my tummy smiling at me. I got tired of my reflection. I hated taking pictures! There is the posing, positioning, sitting up straight, leaning so that my double chin wasn’t prominent. I wanted to wear my wedding bands again and they not hurt (my turning point)! In high school I was 130 to 135 pounds.  I got pregnant with our first and got up to 199. I lost it all and had been on a roller coaster ever since.

We were not taught as children how to eat. My family just couldn’t afford certain luxuries, lol! Not eating is as bad as over eating. I have tried every pill, diet, fad, and wrap, flush that there is on the market! The thing I never gave a chance was good old fashioned learning to eat right and incorporating a realistic and daily workout routine. So, once I got over me and being depressed at the reflection that I had created, I decided to ask my husband for a stationary bike for Christmas 2010. Guess what I did with it? I used it! It was not a new clothes rack! I used my bike.

Please understand that when I first got it, I had in my mind that I am going to do 3 miles a day! I got on it that first time, .10 yes a tenth of a mile! I got off the bike, out of breath, had broken a little sweat, discouraged, disappointed, and more than ever determined to be able to do a mile! I changed my eating habits. I stopped eating after 7 pm. I stopped eating all foods that I knew were bad for me.

When I cooked for my family, I only ate the lean proteins. It was difficult, but worth it! In the first week or so, it seems like changing your eating habits is a punishment. It doesn’t have to be! Have your cheat day and look forward to it! I began with a gallon of water a day, lean protein (only lean), and leafy greens. This means no tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, nothing that is not green. I then had my one cheat day, in which I went HAM! I ate sushi, drank wine, ate chips, bagels everything that I missed! I did that for 2 reasons.

One is your body will be shocked that you are clean then junk up a bit and keep your body wondering and working. Reason 2, why is it fair that I deprive myself? I want to eat healthier and lose weight, not torture myself!

This was December 2010 that I began at 210 pounds and I am 5’4”, by July 2011 I weighed 160 pounds!!!! I was amazed at how positive changes can produce positive outcomes! I now weigh 130 to 135 pounds and have been able to keep it off for over a year!
There is nothing special about me! If I can do it…you can too! Let’s stop making excuses.

I will end my asking just a couple of questions
  1. What do you have to live for?
  2. How bad do you want a healthier you?
  3. How bad do you want to be your skinny? Not someone else’s definition of skinny…your skinny! Know that skinny does not mean in shape. My 160 self would outrun my 135 self
"I pray that each person that took the time to read this understands that there is a better you within you!"
You just need to understand that you are worth it! You are worth a healthy heart! You are worth seeing your great then great great grandchildren!

Instagram: @taylormadeacce9499 

October 1, 2013

Meet Classy Fit Gal - Alycone

SW: 363lbs  |  CW: 238lbs  |  GW: 199
Just no more 2's!

"My breaking point was my wedding last year in October, we were engaged for 6 months and in the time it took to get a wedding together and changing jobs, being a fit bride just fell to the wayside."
So when I saw the picture of our first dance, I almost cried. A time when I should have been celebrating our new life together I was stuck on how huge I felt and looked. I decided with all the new starts in my life it was time to tackle this weight thing for once and for all. 

Funny thing, I went in for my yearly check up in February 2013 and was diagnosed with stage 4 uterine cancer.

That was truly a shocking day for me, I had started my journey to become healthier to start our family and all in one day those dreams were dashed. After months of testing, biopsies, surgeries, and finally ending in a full hysterectomy in April and 6 rounds of chemo, I fought through. 

Something people often forget to tell you about chemotherapy is the steroids.  People often associate chemo with nausea and automatic weight loss. I wish that were true:) but normally the drug regimen is at least two different steroids to keep your weight steady and in a lot of cases it packs on the pounds. 

"However, I was determined to maintain a healthy and positive lifestyle to fight the cancer."

I walked as much as I could, did light weight lifting until I was cleared for heavier weights, and danced every chance I got. 

Cancer was not going to take me out of the game. 

I had way too many things and people to live for. My doctor still jokes with me to this day.  I got up the first day of my hysterectomy and was walking the halls, IV pole and hospital gown - LOL. But there was a sign in my room that said walk four times a day, to keep the doctor away and I was ready to go home!

I've been on this journey for almost a year and through this process I have realized I am stronger than I ever thought I could be. I'm much more active, more outgoing, and live in sweats - but now for workouts not lounging. 

One thing that I love is juicing. It is a wonderful thing and has numerous benefits -  but it can be hard on the pocket, and people will look at you crazy when you say you are going a set amount of time on liquids only -  but stay focused!

"I encourage everyone to get healthy while they can, there is no starting point you have to "weight" for, don't wait until you have a preventable disease or health scare to start making changes."

One of the things that played well in my recovery from both surgery and through chemo is that my body was already under repair and had the foundation to fight back. 

"I want to be able to say in 5 years that I am a survivor and have had not recurrences."

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