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January 21, 2014

Meet Classy Fit Gal - Kisha

SW: 186 CW: 165 GW: 155
Truthfully, my doctor told me I needed to lose weight back in 2006 when my husband and I were having trouble getting pregnant. I was hard headed and continued to ignore his advice because I didn't feel overweight- but he told me then that by losing just 10 percent of my weight, ( and watching what I ate, etc. ) my fertility chances would go up. At the time, I was in the 190's.

So, I did what the doctor said, and the next year, we welcomed a healthy baby girl. I gained 25 pounds during the pregnancy, and was able to drop it quickly while I was out on maternity leave. After I returned to work though, my weight started to creep back up... And in November 2008, I was weighing in at 197.

That number scared me enough to start exercising- but I didn't stick with it. The reality is my weight has fluctuated in the same 188-198 lbs. range since my daughter was born. Then in 2011 we decided to expand our family and I was able to get pregnant with no weight- related issues. Again, after my son was born I dropped the pregnancy weight quickly while I was out on leave- but after I returned back to work I was having trouble keeping the pounds off. I knew what the problem was. I wasn't physically active.

I started to get serious about my activity and becoming healthier/losing weight at the beginning of 2013, and I signed up for my first 5k run in March. It was a fun race, but I had not prepared for it and couldn't even run the entire first mile. I used that experience to keep me motivated through the year and began to talk to my friends/family about my fitness goals. Their support truly boosted my efforts and kept me going when I felt like stopping. I met with a personal trainer for a few weeks, and signed up for another 5k in September. Not only did I run the whole 3.1 miles, I finished in under 30 min! It felt great, and I realized that I was starting to look forward to running. It grew on me in a way I truly didn't expect. I think I ran every other day all of October, and at least 3 times a week in November. I slowed down a bit in December, but I'm back on track with a 60 mile fitness challenge this month.

21 pounds down since 9-26-2013, and all I've consistently done is run. In the next few weeks, I plan to start incorporating weight training and seriously tracking my food intake. My advice to anyone reading my story, is to get active! Find something you like to do that will keep your heart rate up and will make you sweat! Stick with it, and keep yourself challenged so you won't get bored. I think that's what I like best about running- that its at my own pace and each time I lace up my sneakers, it's an opportunity to go further than I did the run before. 

January 15, 2014

Meet Classy Fit Gal - Nickey

SW: 233  |  GW 175  | CW 166

The Beginning 

I started my weight loss journey in June 2011. 

At the time I weighed 233 pounds and my goal was to only lose 20 pounds.  I started working out, with walking and doing “Jillian Michaels’ 30-Day Shred” four to six times a week. I found the DVD challenging (and still do) and it was my FIRST commitment test.

I learned very early in my journey that this was not going to be easy, and shredding is much more difficult than gaining. In addition to working out, I maintained a daily journal of what I ate and how many calories I consumed, this was the SECOND commitment test I had during my journey.

Sticking to my daily calorie count (1200 calories per day) became hard on the weekends and when eating out so, I downloaded an app called “My Fitness Pal.”

My Fitness Pal was an app recommended to me by a friend, and as promised it helped me target the right foods to eat to help shred the weight I was looking to lose. When used properly, this app can help you meet your weight loss goals quicker, and for me it worked, helping lose my first 20 pounds within TWO months. At the end of 2011 I weighed in at 198, surpassing my previous weight loss goal, and taking me to the next level of my weight loss journey.

I became obsessed with losing weight, not in a dangerous or unhealthy way, but certainly more aggressive than most. I cut out all fried foods (only on a cheat day which once a week did I eat anything fried) and all unhealthy sugars (pop, juice, candy, ice cream, pastries, etc.)

I consumed only lean meats (chicken, turkey, fish) and most importantly I cut the fast food out (only consuming salads and healthy lean meal options when eating out.)

I began working out less than 4-6 times a week, taking it down to 3-5 times a week, but burning more calories. My workout sessions went from 30 minutes to 60 minutes of all cardio. My goal each time I workout (I still do this) is to burn off what I ate so far that day, this is why it was important for me to keep track of what I ate and how many calories I consumed.

What Happened Next?

The SECOND phase of my journey began in 2012.

I focused on getting down to my next weight loss goal of 175 pounds, and by June 2012 I was there. After reaching my goal weight, I decided to keep it going and continue to challenge myself. I tried the pescetarian diet, which consist of eating only fish or seafood not other meats. I did this for 60 days in addition to working out.

By November of 2012 I weighed 155lbs (the smallest I have been in my adult life) and I was beyond happy about it! For the first time ever I was able to shop without trying on clothes and shop from stores that I couldn’t before (Bebe, Arden B, American Eagle etc.)

Although I was happy with my weight loss, the people around me thought differently and I heard the words “You’re getting too small, don’t lose any more weight…you look like Star Jones...” Blah blah blah… So I decided to put on some weight, not to appease others, but to continue to be and look healthy.

I put on weight in muscle, I began to strength train. This was my THIRD commitment test, and the only one that I have failed.

By March 2013, I got bored with working out, tired of weight training and just wanted to be “normal” and eat what I wanted and workout whenever I felt like it. I got lazy and complacent. THE BIGGEST MISTAKE I EVER MADE!

I lost all muscle and it turned into fat, pushing me back up the scale to 177 pounds. That weight may not be too bad to some, but for me, I was devastated. It was the first time since I stared in 2011 that I GAINED weight instead of losing it. This mistake helped me learn that my body NEEDS to exercise in order to keep my metabolism up.

"Although I felt devastated, I wasn’t defeated."

I was determined to get back down and get my muscle back! To get out of my funk, I tried new things like Zumba, Jazzercise (both extremely fun) and yoga. I began to strength train in different ways outside of the gym, by using everyday items in my home and outdoors. Jumping up and down steps (2-3 steps at a time), doing at least 20 squats every time I use the bathroom, are just a few examples of how I tried to keep it interesting.

Today, my current weight is 166 pounds! I wear medium to small tops (36-38) and size 9/10 and some size 8's (29-31) in pants, and I am happy there.

My advice to you - NEVER GIVE UP! 

If you have the fat gene in your family tree like me, you will never be “normal” and the fight against the fat gene never ends. Eating right and working out is now a way of life. Not to be skinny, but to be healthy and fight generational curses that come along with the fat gene.

Also remember this, once you reach your first goal, continue to apply the same effort plus more to get you to your next goal. Be happy with YOU no matter what the scale says, or what others may say; only you can truly be happy for you!

And finally, beware of the admirers gone wrong AKA the haters. The more weight you lose the more they come out of the wood works, so use their energy to keep going!

God speed to all of you on this journey with me!

Let's Stay Connected
Instagram @thefablifeof_fattyfaebaker.

Your Classy Fit Gal,


January 7, 2014

Meet Classy Fit Gal - Reign

SW: 204 | CW: 178 | GW: 150


Who gains 15 pounds, all in the torso area three months before their wedding? That would be me!

This happened despite the fact that I was working out and eating a semi-healthy diet.

In 2010, ten months after my wedding, I suffered a huge blow with the sudden death of my father. Weird things were happening to my body, as I continued to pack on the pounds. I just assumed that it was all stress related. I had always wanted to start a fashion blog, and realized that my weight was the only thing holding me back.

Fast Forward

Two years later, I decided that it was time to visit the doctor to find out what was going on. Yes, it took me two years to deal with the reality that I was gaining weight at a rapid pace, and needed to get to a doctor to find out what was wrong.

By this time, I had no idea that I had already tipped the scale at over 200 pounds. That doctor’s visit was my “get right or die” moment that completely changed my life.

I discovered that I had a medical condition that would have to be managed with a healthy diet, exercise and medication if I wanted to go on to have a healthy life. I was completely devastated but quickly snapped back to reality, and began to make plans for my healthy future.

Same girl, Same Dress, Different Body

Pity Party Over

I immediately revamped my pantry, started my meds and went on about my merry way…creating The Fashion Reign blog along the way. I was so busy during this time, that I didn’t even realize that I had lost 15 pounds by simply changing my diet. Yes, eating healthy is key and will do miracles for you!

I was elated and curious at the same time once I realized that I had lost the weight with absolutely no exercise! My mind immediately jumped to that place where you “wonder what would happen if…” In my case, I NEEDED to know what would happen if I started to exercise.

My hubby finally got tired of hearing me whine about the Wii Fitness, and surprised me for Christmas. This started my workout journey. A friend hooked me up with a personal trainer for intense weekly boot camp sessions, which melted away another 11 pounds in a matter of months.

I also adopted a pescetarian lifestyle since I had never been much of a meat eater to begin with. I lost a total of SIX pounds the first week on my new lifestyle. This was enough of an incentive for me to keep pushing towards my weight loss goals. This lifestyle has also given me a new challenge to conquer as it forces me to eat more fruit (I do not like!) and veggies (I love!).


While I must say that I am not always the best at staying on track, I work very hard at trying to make sure that I stick to my diet as much as possible and work out on a regular basis. I use my blog as a way to measure my progress, as I’m not really big on scales and full body mirrors.

Living a healthy lifestyle is not easy, especially with the temptation of sweets and greasy fast food tempting us all on every street corner. I keep myself on track by setting goals, and rewarding myself with a sweet treat once it has been accomplished. Focusing on my diet before worrying about a workout regimen was just what I needed to jump start this journey.

Making my diet more of a lifestyle, rather than a fad has been a huge part of my success. Reward yourself when it gets hard, give yourself pep talks when needed and use your support system when it gets hard! When things get tough for me, I simply think about where I was a year ago and how important it is to not repeat history.

I still attend a boot camp session each week, and layer on hour long Zumba Core workouts (on the Wii) along with regular visits to the gym. I feel so motivated, yet accomplished once I finish an intense workout, and I get so excited when I try on something that didn’t fit a year ago! This is what gets me back on track after a cheat day; this is what keeps pushing me towards my goal.

My hard work has definitely paid off, as I visited my doctor last week. He was shocked by the amount of weight that I had lost, and gifted me with the knowledge that medication may be soon be a thing of the past for me!

I’m in too deep now, and can’t/won’t stop…I’ve already started to train for my first 5K!

Wish me luck!

Your Classy Fit Gal,

Keep up Reign on Instagram and Twitter: @thefashionreign
Facebook: The Fashion Reign or
The Fashion Reign Blog:

January 5, 2014

How are you losing weight?

I'm always asked..."ebby, How are you losing weight?

Funny, I remember I would ask people that same question before I started my journey and do you know what they would tell me? They went on some crazy diet, they ate no carbs, they starved themselves, they drank water only with no food for a month, they ate string beans only. Seriously, and you didn't drop dead yet?

...and you wonder why I didn't start this journey any time sooner? Go figure. 

Their ways was not appealing to me in the least so weight loss was never of interest to me AT ALL! Starve myself? Yeah right, I LOVE TO EAT and I love to eat...GOOD FOOD!

Well, let me keep it very REAL with you. I am not starving myself, nor am I depriving myself. That is not the way I'm doing it-NO WAY! Cutting out what I love wasn't and isn't an option for me so I had to figure out another way to permanently drop these pounds. 

I love food entirely too much to crash diet SO I had to find my own "recipe" for losing this weight for GOOD. I wanted to adopt healthy eating habits and keep this weight off for the long haul. No trying to squeeze into a size 2 over here, give me "healthy" and I will be happy.  

So, here is my personal "recipe" for weight loss...

- 1 heart ready to change for the better
- 1 made up mind filled with infinite measure of determination, willingness and a dedication 
- Prayer
- Perseverance

Changed my mind.  My weight loss HONESTLY started in my mind. It's a journey I had to mentally prepare for. All sorts of temptation happens but I have to mentally PUSH and FIGHT for my change on an every day basis. Do I mess up? I surely do (didn't you see my love for food) but I try not to beat myself up about it. I just keep going and remember my goals at hand.

I refuse to be stuck in an unhealthy body so every day I fight for my change, push for my breakthrough. 

Everything in life that requires a change starts with a change in your mind and then in your heart. Once you change those two components, your determination and motivation will follow. 

Lifestyle change. I don't deprive myself of enjoying the things I love but now I'm more aware and more conscious of what I eat and drink. Before I would just eat with no regret, but now if I eat something "not so clean" I have it in my mind that I need to work out and possibly follow my next meal with something "cleaner." 

Managing my portions. During the holiday season we visited family and our families LOVE to cook and we LOVE to eat so I had to figure out how NOT to gain 20 pounds in two weeks!  It's tough managing your diet when you're away especially when everyone around you isn't on the same plan! 

One delicacy (smile) we love to eat is grits. I mean we eat grits with fish, shrimp, sardines, bacon, liver, etc. LOL, we love grits. At home, grits isn't something we eat too often. It seemed that on vacation we ate grits quite a bit. If you know anything about grits, you know that grits STICK! 

Well rather than not eating them I watched how much I consumed. Before I would just pile them on my plate, but this time I literally would eat a spoonful (serving spoon) and that's it. 

For Christmas we traveled and BOY did my aunt have a spread. Rather than piling my fav dishes like stuffing (I love stuffing) on my plate, I used one of the plates that have the sections divided and put my stuffing in the smallest section. My larger section was filled with veggies and protein and little starch. I enjoyed everything I loved but managed it appropriately without over doing it. You can enjoy what you like, just be conscious of how much of it you're eating. 

My habits. Bad habits can cause a wealth of harm. I had to really dig in, look at myself in the mirror and face my habits. I had to acknowledge them and be willing to change them. Bad habits are hard to break but when you realize it's those same habits that have held you back which causes you not too move forward- then slowly but surely you will strive to break them. 

At the end of the day, the most challenging part of this journey is remaining consistent and motivated. Getting healthy and fit is an every day decision that you make. It's one that I make on a daily basis. Praise God for Classy Fit Gals and everyone that supports my vision with this movement. If it wasn't for my supporters I probably would have quit and/or slacked up a long time ago. 

I had to realize that it's not going to happen over night! As my mom would say "you didn't gain it over night and you won't lose it over night." 

Truly, weight loss is a lifestyle change. You're taking off the old and replacing it with the new. You can't put new wine in an old wine skin. This lifestyle change is a daily walk in which every day you take different steps to reach your destiny. 

When you fall on the steps, don't stay down and beat yourself up. No, get back up and keep moving. You fail when you 1. Do NOT try and 2. You fall and never get back up. 

 If you keep going and keep pressing, slowly but surely you will reach your destiny. 

Your Classy Fit Gal,
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