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July 29, 2013

...the run

He was so excited when he got home. He called and said be ready when I get home, I said okay! I made sure I was extra cute and sexy, heck it was a workout with the hubby....

Hubby and I went running downtown in our little town and it was actually fun. Hubbs is a competitor at heart so running with me is no competition for him- at least not right now! Sister is determined to out do him at least on one challenge!

The run was awesome. Granted I hadn't ran I'm quite some time so I was curious to see what the difference would be a few pounds lighter. I have knee issues. Years of doing squats incorrectly and landing on my knees when doing African dance has causes me some aches and pains. It didn't help having that extra weight on my legs either! Every time I squat I hear cracking noise. It's quite disturbing and for years I wouldn't work out trying to ignore the sound and pain but this time I said no more. 

I truly believe that in order to make a serious adjustment to your life, you have to look at yourself in the mirror, face the facts and be real with yourself. Nothing will change until you are honest with yourself on your condition. I knew my knees were jacked up but this time I refused to allow it to stop me! 

So..we ran through downtown and in the middle of running he had me doing jumping jacks, climbing up and down on benches, high knees etc. 

It was my first time and I was pretty proud of myself for not really stopping. Usually I would complain in the first 2-3 minutes but he said I went 5 min non stop. Now that may not be a big deal to some of you but to me, that was an amazing accomplishment. 

29.06 minutes later and 306 calories later I felt accomplished. I knew that I did something that I never done before- I pushed, didn't give up and came out feeling like a star! 

Do you run? Do you have a fitness goal that you're looking to achieve? 

Share your story, can't wait to hear from you! 

July 22, 2013


When I went to NY for the 4th of July I already knew that I was going to indulge in dishes that I have not eaten in a LONG TIME so finding time to work out was a must!

I knew that I wanted to continue to work out because knowing my past habits, if I take off for a week or so it would be really hard for me to get back in the flow of working out. It's something about getting comfortable in that "la-zay" space that can suck you in and if you aren't dedicated, you will fall right back in the same trap all over again ~ starting from SCRATCH ~ now who in their right mind wants to do that!

After all of the hard work you put in to get to where you are, why on Earth would you want to flush that down the toilet because you are on va-cay? Remember, this is a lifestyle change ~ not a fad!

The good thing is that when you're visiting NY you do A LOT of walking. Though we did drive while we were there, we still walked A LOT!  The sun was beating which meant more sweat ~ so that helped out with burning extra calories and releasing water weight!

Walking is a great way to get in some low impact cardio,  especially when you are used to driving every where {living in the South will spoil you}.

One morning, hubby, mommy and I decided to take a stroll through Prospect Park. Prospect Park is a beautiful park in the heart of Brooklyn. Mom is a cyclist so she rode her bike, hubby is a runner so naturally he ran and me ~ what did I do? I ran and walked. I am honest with myself and know and realize that I am not an athlete or a runner so running non stop for 30 minutes (not yet at least) isn't a part of my workout routine but I can surely go for 5-10 minutes without stopping (granted nothing on me is hurting!)

Start where you are and "accept where you are" - slow progress is great progress! 

My hubby is an athlete so for him running 5 miles non stop is nothing. For me, not so much. I am a very prissy woman and sweating was not a part of my makeup and when I did I felt totally disgusting. As far as being an athlete - Negative! So you get why working out for me is totally "out the box" and has been such a challenge for me, it's a total push for me BUT the sacrifice is paying off. Now, if I don't sweat during a workout I have wasted my time {at least in my mind I am wasting my time.}

Least to say I made it around the park, sister girl felt accomplished and not defeated {right heel hurting and all}. I'm thankful that I made it and even more thankful that my knees weren't killing me! Loosing the initial 25 has helped so much with my knee issues {I will talk about that another time}!

Here are some pics of me working out during my vacation!

When you're on vacation - do you try to workout?

Here are some tips to keep in mind when traveling
  1. Book a hotel that has a nice gym - at least your essential cardio machines and free weights
  2. If your hotel does not have a gym, utilize mother nature and take a walk/run around the neighborhood you are staying in
  3. Pack healthy snacks or purchase some at a grocery store nearby. Duane Reade in NY has EVERYTHING
Remember, this is a lifestyle overhaul so NO EXCUSES while you are on VA-CAY!

Our last night in NY I decided to take advantage of the air conditioning and utilize the fab gym at our hotel! 

Enjoying a nice walk thru Brooklyn with my  honey! 

July 15, 2013


I made it!
I don't know about you but one of the hardest things for me to do is to motivate MYSELF at times!

I mean to be honest, some days are better than others ~ but when you are away it is SO HARD to get back in the swing of things EVEN WHEN you work out while you're on vacation ~ {details on my workout while in NY coming soon}!

Even though I worked out while I was away, it is something about being home and jumping back into your own regimen that makes it a tough adjustment. To be honest, it is really all mental!

Last week was my first week being back home after enjoying a fulfilled week in NY. It was to the point that I literally had to tell myself to just SHUT UP AND DO IT!

It was like I was my own personal trainer and I couldn't stand myself. Driving to the gym, using gas..blah blah blah...I thought to myself "ebby if you don't pick up your speed you're going to get it!"  It is like you reach this point in your journey where you can do one of two things:
  1. Push harder to get past your plateau and step your game up OR 
  2. Get lazy and be content with where you are
The choice is really yours and no one else's.  When you fail, it's on YOU - when you win, it's on YOU!

My weight loss journey is not a fad, something to do because it's "hot" right now or me busting my butt for a special occasion to get into a fabulous dress...rather, this is A LIFESTYLE CHANGE ~ a serious decision I made to become a healthier me.

For the first time in a long time I decided and made up my mind that it was time to get this done, I owe it to myself and I am worth the change - AND SO ARE YOU!  

"Has the journey been tough?" HECK YEAH...but it is so worth it! 

A friend if mine told me a while ago, she said "ebby when you are ready, you will make it happen." Those words stuck with me and here I am!

I got fed up one day, started crying about my weight and the pain in my knees and decided I wasn't going to be my own sob story. 

What's the use of complaining about something if you're not going to change it ~ SHUT UP ALREADY and just DO IT! 


So I say to you, when you are ready to tackle that thing you've been saying you were going to do and been procrastinating with ~ you will just SHUT UP AND DO IT ~ make it happen for yourself - and you WILL get it done.

You will find a new energy in you, a new desire and a burst of adrenaline to make things happen not for anyone else but FOR YOURSELF! 

Everything in you...mind, body and soul has to be all in ~ not one toe in and the other we want the entire foot, leg, ankle, hips, body, weave, wigs, lashes...ALL OF YOU

It is only when you put your all into it and your best foot forward that you will in turn reap the benefits of what you've sown! 

Remember, this is YOUR life and YOU are worth it! 

Now SHUT UP AND DO IT!  As my virtual mentor Oprah Winfrey would say "Live your best life."

WE GOT THIS - You're a winner!

Made it around Central Park - details on that experience coming in 
the next blog later on this week - STAY TUNED!

What I wore?
#SWAG shirt and Leggings: TJ Maxx {where I get most of my workout clothes}
Sneakers: Nike Airmax

July 12, 2013

TGIF ~ Treat Yourself{Guilt-Free Banana Pudding}

Yes, I'm in the process of loosing weight BUT one thing that I refuse to do is deprive myself of enjoying things that I love and one of those things is GOOD FOOD ~ heck I'm a foodie!!

I love and adore fine dining and I absolutely enjoy partaking in good meals at random eateries. I am not much of a "chain" girl, as I prefer the homegrown mom and pop restaurants - the "savory hidden gems."

As I am going through my weight loss journey, I knew that I had to find ways to enjoy what I love by altering recipes to fit my goals. 

My husband is a sweet eater, I'm not! I can honestly do without sweets and since my husband is partaking in this "journey to a healthier me" with me, I thought I would treat him to a good dessert. 

I found this recipe on YouTube from one of my fitness inspirations, GetBodiedbyJ. I decided to try it out and add a little twist to it- I call it my "Guilt-Free Banana Pudding."

What you will need...

  • 8oz Light Cool whip
    **If you are watching your sugar intake then get the Sugar Free Cool whip
  • 8oz Reduced Fat/Fat Free/Light Sour Cream 
  • 2 - boxes of Sugar Free -Fat Free Jello-O Banana Cream Pudding
  • 1 - box of Reduced Fat Nilla Wafers
  • 2 cups of unsweetened rice milk OR coconut milk {unsweetened almond milk is good as well}
  • 2-3 bananas
  • 1/4 tbsp of pecans or nuts of your choice {optional}
  • 1 tbsp of wheat germ {optional}


  • Mix cool whip, sour cream, a pack and a half of the banana cream pudding mix {both packs if you really want that banana taste} and milk in a bowl
  • Beat on low with a hand mixer for 5 minutes until fluffy
    {you can also get a little workout in and whip it with your good ole' hands}
  • In a dish size of your choice (I did a 5 by 7 inch dish) add mix to dish and spread evenly to cover the bottom 
  • Add Nilla Wafers and bananas {see picture below}
  • Add second layer of mix 
  • Add wafers and bananas on top of second layer 
  • Garnish with nuts and wheatgerm {optional}

Enjoy my loves and have a FAB weekend!!!

July 2, 2013

Meet Classy Fit Gals Founder and Creator
ebby.K ~ the Beginning

SW:  225  |  CW: 193  |  GW:  150
 I remember the day like it was yesterday. I went to the doctor for my annual physical and of course I was nervous. Going to the doctor was never an exciting adventure for me - the suspense throws my pressure up every time- and this time it was no different. 

As I waited patiently for my doctor to come into my room, I began to pray. I didn't know what she was going to tell me. 

"I knew I was overweight but I didn't know how 
overweight I was."

When she finally came in, she said "Eboné you weigh 220 pounds." I said "WHAT!" She knew by the look on my face that I was in pure shock, and at that moment the tears began to fall. 

It was then that I knew in my heart that I had to make some changes.  I called my then fiancé and started crying. Naturally it was easier for me to blame someone else for my weight and of course I did- but he took the blame like a champ and said "babe,lets work on it together." We came up with a game plan but so much was going on in our lives that year that health and wellness took a back burner so I pushed it off. 

We were both in graduate school getting our MBAs, preparing to get married a few months after I graduated and in the midst relocating to another city. 

That was in 2012....

Now here we are 2013 and still my health and wellness was not the priority in my life. Heck I was a newlywed in a new city adjusting to married life. Checking out the restaurants in our new town was recreation for me- it shows in my 2k+ pics on Instagram

February 2013 - I weighed 225 pounds!

But one day, I got on the scale and it read a whopping 225 LBS!! I knew something was up because my bras were getting tighter, my face fatter and my knees were killing me! Standing for long period of times was hard for me, and let me wear heels...I was really in pain. 

April 1, 2013 my husband decided to cancel our membership at the Y and revisit a gym we visited when we first got back from our honeymoon. I said "dude you're not leaving me, I'm going with you." So we went, talked to the sales lady and decided it was time to make a change. 

Of course the sales lady wanted to add on to the sale so she asked if we were interested in personal training. Knowing the goals we had in mind my husband told her that we needed to discuss in private so she walked away to let us chat. 

In our conversation I got very emotional. See, my weight was always a sensitive subject for me-no one ever knew it but it was. I felt my weight held me back from pursuing a lot of opportunities. I've felt like this for years! My personal life didnt suffer at all, I was always fabulous (on the outside) BUT on the inside and my true self esteem suffered. 

I knew I was heavy but I had no idea how heavy I was and how bad it was. 

Truly God spared my life because the doctor didn't find any signs of illness, but she did see some signs of high blood pressure and high cholesterol- all of which run in my family. She also said I was at high risk to get diabetes- that runs in my family also so I knew I had to make some changes.  I stood in determination that I was going to break the chain of illness in my family because I was going to start taking better care of myself.

As I was wiping my tears the sales lady came out but this time a cute fit lady came out and introduced herself as Melissa- she is one of the trainers. Melissa was so bubbly and full of energy and I immediately liked her! 

Melissa looked at my report and said wow, I used to weigh over 200 pounds so I understand your struggle. I immediately began to cry...AGAIN! There was no way this petite fit lady full of bubbles used to weight over 200 pounds! I knew right then and there I wanted a trainer and my husband supported me in that decision and we decided to make that investment in me.

So, here I am today, sharing with you my personal journey, my testimony to become to best ebby.K I can be. 
Left: Summer 2013  Right: September 2013

"The journey to defeat all doubts that I've had in my head for years about loosing weight and being athletic again are broken. "

I CAN do this and i WILL do this! This is a walk not a race; a  journey to not only see the numbers on the scale go down, but to become who I truly am created to be and that is to BE BEAUTIFUL starting from the inside and having it radiate out- SEE myself as beautiful and most important FEEL the beauty that is within me. 

I invite you to stay a while and take this walk with me. I pray you are inspired and empowered to dig within yourself and find YOUrself. 

"feel your BEAUTY and OWN IT!©
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