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August 27, 2013

Meet Classy Fit Gal ~ Kim

SW: 307  |  CW: 228  |  GW: 175
"I had been chunky for most of my life. My mom said it started when my sister and I were little."

Our family said "they're too skinny, you need to feed those kids!"
Being young parents, my mom and dad listened to our family and started to "feed us." I was around 8 or 9 years old. My eating habits spiraled out of control as I was able to make choices on my own. I never ate a lot but I ate a lot of the wrong foods. My mom was never that parent who made us eat all of our food or foods we didn't like. She gave us the choice to eat or not eat what was cooked. As we all started to learn to eat better we realized that she was not wrong in allowing us to choose but, that we should have been limited in our options.

I started my weight loss journey when I was in the 10th grade. If I remember correctly, I weighed 250-260 lbs. My mom, sister, and I joined Curves for women and I thought oh this is it, I'm finally going to be smaller. But I did not realize the research that I needed to do to help with my success. I also didn't realize my mindset about food needed to change.

"So, as many people who try to lose weight, we paid for a membership that didn't get used!"

While in high school, 11th grade I believe, I lost 30 lbs because I cut out eating junk food and I had some physical activity in gym. I quickly gained that back when I started my undergrad program, around the time of my parents' divorce. I'm not sure if it was the stress from the divorce or not that made me eat but my mom had to work longer hours and my sister and I chose not to cook or eat healthy so we ate out! It wasn't hard to gain the weight (30 lbs and more) with me eating out 3-4 times/day and eating 3000-4000 cals/day!

I became more serious about losing weight early 2006. Honestly, I didn't want to lose weight for health purposes, I just wanted to lose weight so that I could wear clothes from wherever I wanted them from! So I did A LOT of research on how many calories I needed to consume and burn in order to lose weight. I "stopped" for a while, about a year, and started back up in 2007. I've been off and on the bandwagon but each time I started back the "rest time" got shorter and shorter. Working out and eating right became more of a lifestyle. I'm not perfect now but I surely don't eat 3000-4000 cals/day like I used to!

"I owe my weight loss results to God and the mindset He's given me to do the research!"

I prayed and still pray for His supernatural weight loss and not only the will to workout but also the follow through! My journey has taken 7 years (on and off) but yours doesn't have to! ;)

I'm not done with my journey, I have 50 lbs left to lose. I will continue to push through and pray! If you are reading this and feel like you cannot lose weight because you're "too big" don't give up on the thought! I know what it's like to feel hopeless and being on the top end of the journey. But trust me day by day week by week and prayer by prayer you will get stronger and more hopeful!
Life for me hasn't changed much with the exception of me being more conscious of what/how much I'm eating. I still weigh myself daily because it helps me to monitor my progress if I don't do so well on a day. But I am able to shop in stores that I hadn't been able to in the past!

I must say THAT ROCKS

Connect with Kim and the Red Glass Sisters
Facebook: keys2luxlife
Instagram: keys2luxlife

August 23, 2013

Classy Fit Gals GOES GLOBAL ~ August 24!

Grab your gal pals, family, friends, your pet - it doesn't matter who just grab them and go! Why?

Because Saturday, August 24 will be the OFFICIAL LAUNCH of Classy Fit Gals GLOBAL DAY OF FITNESS!!!! 

Yes, every 4th Saturday of the month gals from around the world will partake in a fitness activity of their choice.  This can be done as a group activity OR you can do something solo to have some "me" time - it doesn't matter as long as you are moving...moving...moving!!!

Why are we doing this?
The purpose of this activity is to join all women, near or far no matter their age, nationality OR fitness level to come together collectively as a unit to show our strength in accomplishing our goals. It is something about knowing that another woman is out there pushing just as hard as you that ignites a new strength in you to PUSH and make things happen for yourself.

We stand on "girl power" and there is something about women coming together in love for a common purpose and goal that brings an energy throughout the world that can impact positive change and THIS is what Classy Fit Gals is all about - FAITH - FASHION - FITNESS. 

How are we going to be held accountable?
The catch is this, you have to take pictures and show us what you are doing - yes ma'am! Taking #selfies are allowed - LOL. Post your pictures and/or videos on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and use #classyfitgals #classyfitgalsglobalfitness - you never know, your picture may be featured on the blog!

We look forward to seeing all of your pictures and be sure to spread the word to all your other gal pals.

Love you dearly,
Your Classy Fit Gal

August 20, 2013

Meet Classy Fit Gal ~ Tanya

SW: 319  |  CW: 254  |  GW: 180

I can start this story from a lot of places so I will just let it flow. 

I have been overweight majority of all my life as far as I can remember. I was the shapeliest girl in grade school. I say shapeliest because my curves at that age were developed before I grew into them. In high school my weight wasn't my concern. As I got into my adult years when I would visit my family in Jamaica the first question they would ask me was "how I got so big" like they didn't know that food was the problem. 

I tried everything you can think of to lose weight, slim fast, weight watchers, LA Weight Loss, Jenny Craig!!! You name it I was on that on that bandwagon. I can honestly say I was comfortable enough in my body to waste my money on all those things. 

I have had a couple breaking points but I took none of them seriously! One stands out in particular though. I was at an amusement park and wanted to sit next to the people I came with on a rollercoater. I couldn't because the row of seats didn't have the "big" seat. You would think that would have been a wake up call but it wasn't. 

Fast forward to present. I didn't really have a wake up call to lose weight. I was turning 30 and just wanted to "look different ". I wanted to cross off some of the "I have nevers" off my list!! Like I have never worn a two-piece. I could have but I chose not too. I also didn't want to get diabetes and high blood pressure. Those are things I can prevent so that's what I am doing. I have vain reasons why I want to lose weight also. I LOVE MY CURVES! Plain and simple! My current measurements are 36-32-51. My goal is 36-26-51! I have hips, butt, and breasts, all these things that people pay for I was given! Now why would I want to hide all that with fat in my body? Cause let's face it, I was plan ole fat! Not anymore though!! I am on a continuous journey to get to my goal size and weight. 

As I lose weight I really believe I can help others do the same. The two most important things I can tell you is to 1. Never give up and 2. Lose weight for no one but yourself. There is no right nor wrong way to do this. It's not a diet, its a lifestyle change. If you need to incorporate supplements do it! Do what works for you. I do Herbalife because sometimes I don't feel like eating and I also wear a corset to help define the hourglass waist i have. 

Want motivation? Interested in corset training and Herbalife? You can follow me on instagram at seductively_fabulous, shoot me an email at OR check out my web site at and I will help you as best as I can.  

My aim is to help others who feel they are on this road alone and have no help! We can do this together!!! 

Seductively Fabulous
"Keeping you fit and fab"

August 9, 2013

Meet Classy Fit Gal - Apryl-joi

SW: 170  |  CW: 146  |  GW: 140

“It was the main/only sense of accomplishment I felt around that time. I hated both jobs, was miserable, and single. I had no idea where my life was going.  Working out and losing weight made me feel accomplished. Proud. Amazing.”

On the outside looking in, I may seem like a fit girl who has known her way around the gym or someone’s sports field for much of her life or that being fit is and has been an easy journey, but this is far from my truth.

I am a 29 year old personal trainer who wishes to inspire, encourage, and motivate others to live a healthier lifestyle through my own active lifestyle. I’m passionate about people, see the best in others, believe that anything is possible, and want to make a difference however and whenever I can.

Looking at my life prior to now, I would have never imagined in a gazillion years that I’d be where I am today as far as my health and physique are concerned. I must give all praise and glory to God for taking my life on the journey through which it has been so far—it has surely been a ride!

Now, let’s take a moment to get to know me—Apryl-joi. I am a curvy girl with muscles, standing 5 feet 5 inches tall, rocking 146 pounds that have been earned naturally and honestly. But I haven’t always been this girl. At the age of 18, I was diagnosed with an illness that could only be controlled at the time with medications that included steroids. If you know anything about steroids, they increase your appetite, cause weight gain, and cannot be stopped abruptly--but one must be weaned off of them slowly—this means the effects last much longer than anyone would anticipate. THIS is what caused the dreaded weight gain, but to family and friends, I looked somewhat normal and they got used to seeing me thicker than my usual.

Well, I wasn’t. I carried around this weight and rocked size 12s and 14s for 4+ years. The college I attended had an awesome workout facility, but I only took advantage of it about 1 to 2 times per semester. Yeah…the weight was surely going to fall off that way….NOT! While teaching high school Spanish back in September or October of 2008, my best friend encouraged me to start walking and working out at and around the school once the students were gone for the day. I was sick of looking and feeling the way I did and there was a new-found spark in me that was unlike any time before.
I had never taken weight loss and getting healthy and fit seriously until this time around. I took my friend’s idea of getting active and ran with it! Instead of working at school, I snagged an inexpensive gym membership and began to dedicate at least 3-4 days of activity in fitness classes, on the weight machines, and on even got some dreaded quality time on the Stairmaster.

I started at 177 pounds and had a goal to get down to 140 pounds. I didn’t have a time frame in which I wanted to do it, nor did I truly have a plan, I just knew that I would stick to physical activity, change my eating habits slowly but surely, and that I wouldn’t weigh myself for at least 2 months. I wanted to be surprised at my first weigh in and boy was I!

I can’t quite remember what I had dropped by Thanksgiving, but I was happy with the progress (any progress should be celebrated) and I was determined to keep pushing. By my 25th birthday, I was truly ready to reveal the new me. I was no longer self-conscious about wearing dresses, I felt inclined to wear my arms and shoulders out, and my stomach was no longer a huge issue—pun intended.

Overall, I would have to say that weight loss helped me to discover a greater sense of pride and confidence in myself. I am a natural social butterfly, but the weight loss allowed me to be even more comfortable in my own skin. Since my fit life journey began almost 5 years ago, I’ve been able to encourage, inspire, and motivate others through my journey—struggles, minor fluctuations, and all. I have surprised myself with the level of dedication, strength, and perseverance I’ve been able to display.

I’ve proven that a woman can be strong, successful, ambitious, inspirational, and beautiful, both inside and out, through any process or journey, and accomplish exactly what she sets out to do, and more.

The one thing that keeps me going is remembering where I started and never wanting to go back.

Along with excess weight come excess emotions, health issues, and sometimes a negative self-image, which can lead to negative behaviors.

If I had to give one piece of advice to my Classy Fit Gals, I would say to always remember your WHY during your journey and to never, no matter what, give up—a lot is riding on your decision to get and remain healthy.

Apryl-joi is the only certified female trainer with Dungeon Fitness Group located in Charlotte, NC and a resident blogger on  You can also connect with Apryl-joi via instagram at joicurcurlzncurves.

Classy Fit Gals are women of Class, Sass, Style, Stature and Virtue!

Become a Classy Fit Gal today by connect with us via Facebook and Instagram. We believe that transparency is what breaks the yolk. Share your story with us to be featured on the blog. Send your story along with before and after pics to

August 5, 2013

Meet Classy Fit Gal - Kendra

SW: 243   | CW: 195   |   GW: 175/18
*Goal Size is 10!!*
"The breaking point in my journey was when I went to the doctor thinking I had sleep apnea because I snored like a monster."
After wasting time and money to find out that it was a simple issue as me just losing weight, I knew I had to get going. 

I started going to Zumba and in February 2010 and became a certified instructor. I knew as an instructor I had to look my best which in turn motivated me to lose more lbs. I wanted to be healthy and not feel like a rock dancing. 

When I started my journey I was a size 18 going into a size 20…I knew that was not going to happen and I had to make some life changes. I have been seriously working at this since about June 2010 and it’s been a rocky one. From traveling the world and “living” in a war zone, my weight has definitely been a roller-coaster. 

"Getting healthy has changed my life tremendously."

I know that I WILL maintain a health lifestyle. I am not trying to be a size 2 but a size healthy. Being healthy has made my life more exciting. I would never think I would be the girl that wanted to work out. The feeling you get after a great sweat and good thigh burn is the best. I love doing HIIT, Tabatas, Zumba, and minor weight lifting for my workout rush. 

One thing I want women to remember who are wanting to start their journey is this - you did not gain the weight overnight so don’t expect to fall asleep and wake up skinny. If you do, let me know the secret! Just take your journey one day at a time and remember not to compare your hips to hips. We are all beautiful and individually made to be YOU and no one else. 

Set your goals on how you want to look, and make YOUR vision clear! Make sure you reward yourself (and not with just food)! Give yourself certain incentives that will give you an extra push and make you feel good. 

Always a have a great supporting cast…I’m so thankful/BLESSSEDDDDDDDD that I have friends and family who will support my many journeys in life and it helps! 

If you need a supporting member, I GOT YOU - connect with me on instagram @blackbarbie_320)!

Being healthy should be a journey for all. 

Connect with  Classy Fit Gals on Instagram at classyfitgals and on Facebook

August 1, 2013

August 1st - GOT GOALS?

Funny how time flies when you are having FUN HONEY!!!
It is August 1st and it is time to set some goals. 

Can you believe that more than half of the year is already gone? With that said - what have you to show for it?  One of those slap you in the face and make you look in the mirror type of questions - eh?

Personally, 2013 has been a fun, eventful and a challenging year for me ~ all in the same breath. I figured the more I am challenged the stronger I am becoming and the greater my purpose so...I decided to stop complaining about it, listen and pay attention to what God is showing me and grow from it.

Now that I am doing some self reflection, I had to really dig in to see what goals  I would like to accomplish for the month of August. My goals wouldn't be complete if I did not add some fitness goals - one of which is to simply RUN! 

Running has always been a challenge for me. With the extra weight I had before it was TERRIBLE on my knees.  I couldn't get around a quarter of the way on any trail I took without complaining. My knees used to hurt so bad I would literally be in tears - now they are just soar from the strength training I am doing ~ praise God for healing!

Now that my knees are good, it's my foot that is bothering me BUT that is hurting because I wore the wrong running shoes during my first initial run with my husband (see this post for details on how that went). 

So NOW I am tired of the excuses. I figured this much, it will be uncomfy until I get used to it.  I challenged myself the last time I was in Charlotte to run around this lake in my old neighborhood. I remember when I could not get a quarter of the way without stopping. What were the results? Check out both of these videos on my Instagram. (Video 1, Video 2)

One of my many mantras is this, "Nothing worth having-no goal worth accomplishing happens in your COMFORT ZONE.  All change occurs the moment you step outside of the box. It is THAT moment that you decide to be uncomfortable that your life changes for the better."

I challenge you to step outside of your comfort zone this month.

Set a goal and stick to it!

This morning, I decided to put on some running sneakers I had thrown in the back of my trunk and get out there and run. I did it and here are my results. The goal is to run at least 3 times per week and beat my time each time. Follow my journey and progress on my instagram pages (iamebbyK) and (classyfitgals)

Set your goals, determine what your action items are and go for it! I will be checking in on September
1st to find out your results!
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