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May 20, 2014

Meet Belinda!

SW: 220 | CW: 155

As I reflect on how far I have come I am so grateful that God opened my eyes to see my unhealthy living. 
I was tired of being over weight so I prayed and asked God for guidance because I had no idea where to start. 
The picture on the left was 2009 at my highest weight 220 I had just started walking at this point in my journey, then in 2011 I added in running and spin class. 
Then I decided to become a vegetarian in 2012 and now a vegan in 2013. 
I  started a 12 week weight training program and it's very challenging BUT as I reflect on the old me, I would not have believed i would have made it this far. Now after losing 65 pounds and 6 pants sizes. This journey of weight-loss has made me more aware of self, given me knowledge, new friendships, failures and success. 
If you are like the old me get up and show yourself that you are worth get moving!

Connect with Belinda on Instagram @journeyofachocolatechic1.

May 13, 2014

From busy mom to FIT Mom, meet Heather from NaturallyMe35!

It was June 2012. This was a super busy time in my life. I had just recently started get to serious about my over all health. My fitness, weight loss and natural hair journey started my blog, NaturallyMe35.

I am a wife and busy mother of three sons ages 21, 16 and 12. I work full-time as a Case Manager, Coach for Beachbody and recently becoming a Lifestyle Blogger. So often I get asked the question, how do you balance it all? Well, to be honest it's definitely a juggling act and requires lots of planning and forethought.

My Story 
About 18 months ago I went for my yearly physical with my doctor where she told me, that I needed to watch my food intake and increase my physical activity up to 4-5 days a week. You know I gave her the side eye, right! Honestly, I knew that I had piled on some weight. I was on the verge of wearing a size 16 depending on where I bought my clothes. She proceeded to put me on the scale and I was amazed at what the numbers read......185 lbs. Whaaaaat!! I guess the numbers don't lie. I knew it and felt every bit of those pounds. So, for those who know me, know that I have a "proactive" personality. I knew it was now time for me take back control of body and stop making excuses. Trust me, I used every excuse under the sun as to why I didn't have the time. Here were a few my infamous excuses-"Too busy-no time."   "I hated sweating."   " I've got to take care of the kids and my family."

 OK, it was definitely time for me to chuck the excuses make changes.

Lifestyle Changes 
As a parent, I've always tried my best to set the right example for my boys. Unfortunately, I quickly realized that I wasn't setting a good example when it came to our eating habits for myself or as a family. I also knew that this would have to become a family affair in order for it work. The first area that I quickly made changes was with our eating habits. I stopped frying foods regularly and started to bake, grill or broil our foods. Fried chicken has now become a treat that we now indulge in once or twice a month versus weekly. I started to buy more whole grain pasta's and breads. The kids hardly noticed the difference. We've always been a family of veggie eaters. Each meal always contained a veggie of some sort. So when it came to having seconds, I learned that it's better to go for the greens. I also had to work on my portion sizes which is key to long-term weight management. Personally, I have to say that my food intake has been the hardest area to incorporate lifestyle changes. However, with my families support and cooperation we have been quite successful. Taking it one meal at a time.

How I Incorporated Exercise Into My Busy Life 
Exercising never played a large part in my life. So this area really took lots of forethought and planning. I decided to start off slow by joining the stair club at work. They met only three days a week and that was just perfect for me. I did this on my lunch hour. We climbed 7 floors about 8-9 times which took roughly 25-30 minutes. After while, my endurance and stamina level greatly increased. Therefore, I felt that I was ready to incorporate other methods of exercise. I took up Zumba once a week and added in two days of Hip Hop Abs. I love me some Shaun T!!! lol! Shortly afterwards I met a wonderful young woman through a natural hair group named, Tiffany. She was a coach for Beachbody. She encouraged me to write down my short and long-term goals-which helped greatly in holding me accountable. I did just that. Tiffany invited me to join her online support group for inspiration, encouragement and accountability. It was the best thing I could have done. Having a strong support system is key to ensuring your weight loss and fitness goals. You need to know that someone outside yourself is holding you accountable to your goals. However you want them to support you is your own choice. The ladies in my group were such an encouragement. After several months and great progress, my coach ask me if I would be interested in becoming a coach for Beachbody. I honestly didn't feel as though I was ready but said yes after being asked twice. In December 2012, I became a Beachbody Coach. I am paying it forward helping others to reach their goals.

 My Current Workout Schedule
I am currently doing Beachbody workout programs; P90X (successfully completed twice) and Brazil Butt Lift programs. I have just recently switched things up with adding Jillian Michaels, Biggest Loser and Anow Adjah, Plyometric Pump......they're both workout maniacs! In a good way of course!!

How To Find Time To Exercise As A Busy Mom 
1. Write down and schedule your exercise time/routine-having a set plan is key. It not only prepares you but it prepares the entire family. They will know that on this particular day or evening mommy will be working out.

2.  At home moms, use this time to get in a workout video while the kiddies are down for a nap. Single moms, find a local gym with a day care center.

3.  Get the kids involved. Have them to join you at home, for a walk or hike together as a family. Take your kids to the playground, play and run around with them. Find a nice bike trail. Get creative and encourage more physical activity and exercise as a family.

4.  Split your workout up- utilize whatever time you have. No where is it written that you have workout for a straight full hour. Break it up in 10-15 minute increments throughout the day. For example; while doing dishes you can get in about 50 squats or more. Run the stairs 10-15 minutes 3 times a day. Gradually increasing each day. Get creative and utilize your house to fullest.

5.  Park further away from the building, mall or doctor's office to get in a little exercise.

6.  Wake-up 30 minutes earlier than usual and run around the neighborhood, find a walking group, or workout partner.

7,  Bring your sneakers to work and hit the stairs while on your lunch hour. Ask a colleague to join you.

 Give it a try! You can do it!

 Working moms – how do YOU balance it all and find time to exercise? 

About the author: My name is Heather Williams, also known as, NaturallyMe35. I am a Lifestyle Blogger, Entrepreneur and Fitness Coach for Beachbody. Heather is also a wife and proud mother of three wonderful boys. She became a coach for Beachbody in December 2012. As a coach, Heather helps her clients meet their fitness and weight- loss goals. “Paying it Forward”, as she likes to call it! When she’s not blogging or coaching, you can find Heather spending time with her family and actively participating in community service work. For Heather, this is only the beginning. Her goal is to continue to inspire, encourage and motivate the people that enter her life; whether it is a “newly” natural or a woman in search of meeting their fitness and weight-loss goals.

May 8, 2014

Review: #VegaBar

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A few weeks ago, I was selected to be one of many luck #fitbloggers to review some Vega Bars by a company called Vega. Vega is a plant based, gluten free, non GMO product line that carries a variety of products ranging from protein bars to energy drinks that are all vegan friendly! 

I was on a fast a few months ago that restricted me from eating so many things that I turned vegan for a month. I sure wish I knew about this line then - it would have helped so much, especially when I was trying to work out and lacked the energy to do so because of my dietary restrictions.

On to my review...
I was sent SIX bars total, two Vega One Bars, two Vega Sport Protein Bars and two Vega Snack Bars. I must say, they were all pretty good and to think I wasn't a chocolate fan! My fav was the Vega Snack Bar in Cranberry Almond, now those I would definitely purchase again.  It reminded me of one of those ONE bars in Starbucks! *smiling*

Will these bars work for me?
Honestly, I try to stay away from bars; it's a personal thing. What I found is that when trying to lose weight, I personally have to watch the amount of sugar I consume in products. No matter where that sugar is coming from, fruit, juicing, etc. sugar is sugar and sugar turns into fat. Being that these bars are what I would call a meal replacement (snack) they served it's purpose but I'm greedy so I would eat more than one at a time - okay so I ate two! 

Would I purchase them? Probably not until AFTER I meet my goal weight and maintain it and at that point,  I would more than likely go with the snack bar option as those were my fav.  This bar is about 6 PointsPlus value per serving on Weight Watchers which is a lot of points for a snack when someone like me is only allotted roughly 28 points a day!

In  my honest opinion, what I like about the Vega line is the fact that it's a vegan based company. I don't have to think twice about it having a bunch of crap in it so that helps a lot. But remember this, just because it's vegan or even vegetarian doesn't mean it's totally healthy for you so I would suggest doing your own research, figure out what your goals are and see if these products align with your personal goals. Everyone should make their best judgement when figuring out what their plan will look like - as we all have different goals. 

Find what works for you and rock it out that way.

Coming soon - my review on the #VegaSportSFE!

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