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WHO is ebby.K?

ebby.K is a lady from Brooklyn, NY who loves inspiring women to be, see and feel themselves as being the beautiful phenomenal woman they are.

ebby.K's love for writing started in 2004 when she would send mass emails to her friends discussing love and relationships. Since then ebby.K has expanded her writing to share with readers her latest beauty and fashion addictions and her journey to a healthier life documenting her weight loss journey in "Classy Fit Gals."

 With the motto, "feel your BEAUTY and OWN IT!©" ebby.K believes that every women owes herself the opportunity to really get to know herself from the inside out. First she must BE beautiful by being internally transformed. Then she will SEE herself as beautiful and in turn FEEL her beauty and walk in her beauty.

How did it all begin?

SW:  225  |  CW: 193  |  GW:  150
 I remember the day like it was yesterday. I went to the doctor for my annual physical and of course I was nervous. Going to the doctor was never an exciting adventure for me - the suspense throws my pressure up every time- and this time it was no different. 

As I waited patiently for my doctor to come into my room, I began to pray. I didn't know what she was going to tell me. 

"I knew I was overweight but I didn't know how 
overweight I was."

When she finally came in, she said "EbonĂ© you weigh 220 pounds." I said "WHAT!" She knew by the look on my face that I was in pure shock, and at that moment the tears began to fall. 

It was then that I knew in my heart that I had to make some changes.  I called my then fiancĂ© and started crying. Naturally it was easier for me to blame someone else for my weight and of course I did- but he took the blame like a champ and said "babe,lets work on it together." We came up with a game plan but so much was going on in our lives that year that health and wellness took a back burner so I pushed it off. 

We were both in graduate school getting our MBAs, preparing to get married a few months after I graduated and in the midst relocating to another city. 

That was in 2012....

Now here we are 2013 and still my health and wellness was not the priority in my life. Heck I was a newlywed in a new city adjusting to married life. Checking out the restaurants in our new town was recreation for me- it shows in my 2k+ pics on Instagram

February 2013 - I weighed 225 pounds!

But one day, I got on the scale and it read a whopping 225 LBS!! I knew something was up because my bras were getting tighter, my face fatter and my knees were killing me! Standing for long period of times was hard for me, and let me wear heels...I was really in pain. 

April 1, 2013 my husband decided to cancel our membership at the Y and revisit a gym we visited when we first got back from our honeymoon. I said "dude you're not leaving me, I'm going with you." So we went, talked to the sales lady and decided it was time to make a change. 

Of course the sales lady wanted to add on to the sale so she asked if we were interested in personal training. Knowing the goals we had in mind my husband told her that we needed to discuss in private so she walked away to let us chat. 

In our conversation I got very emotional. See, my weight was always a sensitive subject for me-no one ever knew it but it was. I felt my weight held me back from pursuing a lot of opportunities. I've felt like this for years! My personal life didnt suffer at all, I was always fabulous (on the outside) BUT on the inside and my true self esteem suffered. 

I knew I was heavy but I had no idea how heavy I was and how bad it was. 

Truly God spared my life because the doctor didn't find any signs of illness, but she did see some signs of high blood pressure and high cholesterol- all of which run in my family. She also said I was at high risk to get diabetes- that runs in my family also so I knew I had to make some changes.  I stood in determination that I was going to break the chain of illness in my family because I was going to start taking better care of myself.

As I was wiping my tears the sales lady came out but this time a cute fit lady came out and introduced herself as Melissa- she is one of the trainers. Melissa was so bubbly and full of energy and I immediately liked her! 

Melissa looked at my report and said wow, I used to weigh over 200 pounds so I understand your struggle. I immediately began to cry...AGAIN! There was no way this petite fit lady full of bubbles used to weight over 200 pounds! I knew right then and there I wanted a trainer and my husband supported me in that decision and we decided to make that investment in me.

So, here I am today, sharing with you my personal journey, my testimony to become to best ebby.K I can be. 
Left: Summer 2013  Right: September 2013

"The journey to defeat all doubts that I've had in my head for years about loosing weight and being athletic again are broken. "

I CAN do this and i WILL do this! This is a walk not a race; a  journey to not only see the numbers on the scale go down, but to become who I truly am created to be and that is to BE BEAUTIFUL starting from the inside and having it radiate out- SEE myself as beautiful and most important FEEL the beauty that is within me. 

I invite you to stay a while and take this walk with me. I pray you are inspired and empowered to dig within yourself and find YOUrself. 

"feel your BEAUTY and OWN IT!©
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Stay Connected, Be Inspired! 

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